Friday, January 6, 2012

Justin Bieber

The gender representations shown in the Justin Beiber music video “Baby” are really quite evident; they are of the young pre- teen type boys and girls. The interaction between Justin and the main female in this video show that there is a young puppy love attraction between them, but the girl is trying to play hard to get and making Justin Beiber work for it. It is obvious that she likes him just as much as he likes her.  The video shows how much younger teens are being introduced more fully in the having a crush and dating area than what many of the country’s adults were at the same age. The fact that it is shown in a bowling alley instead of a club or something similar is a miss portrayal of where the youth of today hang out. Having a rapper in a purely pop video shows how much today’s contemporary music is really combining and seems like it may start trying to be a genre all on its own.

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